Friday, May 27, 2011

Meet "Paris" Aintee Connie’s First GrandChild

I know that today is Don’t Forget About You Friday and I don’t ever want you to forget about yourself but this week we were blessed with Paris Connie’s arrival and that is a gift that will last us a lifetime.
Paris Connie was born on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at 8:25p.m. She is 7lbs, 1 oz. and 20 inches long and my goodness is she just beautiful.
Proud parents Ponce & Kemecha and Baby Paris are all doing well.

Here she is…..


Tongue Out Like her Dad

Just seeing precious little Paris was a bitter sweet moment in our lives. It is a reminder that GOD is in control and in the midst of our sadness the blessings keep coming. Thank you all for your continued love, support and prayers for our family. It is greatly appreciated.
We know that Aintee Connie was smiling down from heaven at her new granddaughter. We all know our role in making sure we pass all of Aintee Connie’s great gifts on to our Princess Paris.
Until next time let’s live life and love life.
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